In November, 1984 Maureen Beharelle (Clark) and Laura O’Malley sent surveys to several female technicians in order to determine if there was interest in forming a support group for women technicians in Airway Facilities. The purpose of the group would be to provide information regarding changes in the technical field, problem-solving, and generally discussing various aspects in the technical field.
October 7-9, 1988: The first Technical Women’s Organization development conference was held in Washington Headquarters Civil Rights Office with the assistance of George Gordon, Pat Webster, and Linda Dimon from Civil Rights. The following women wrote the Constitution and Bylaws and became Charter Members of the Technical Women’s Organization: Abby Call, Vianne Fowler, Karen Hammond, Clarissa Holland, Marie Meyer, Barbara Silva, and Betsy Titherington.
More to come
Kansas City, Missouri June 3, 2024 - June 7, 2024
Join us at the InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza from June 3, 2024 - June 7, 2024, to celebrate 35 years of existence and our 30th conference.
The Technical Women’s Organization (TWO) National Training Conference and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) event in Kansas City, Missouri. TWO is combining all resources across the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to conduct a first-class training program for our workforce. Our theme is “Leading from the Heartland.” The agenda will focus on 3 tracks: Employee Development, Leadership, and Technical training.