Chairperson, Sharon BoddieCommittees
TWO By-Laws (January 2017):
ARTICLE VIII: Section 1 - Committees: The standing committees of the Corporation shall be
the By-Laws Committee, the Nominations and Elections Committee, the Budget and Finance
Committee, the Education and Career Development Committee, the Communication Committee,
the Membership Committee, the Recruitment Committee, the Marketing Committee, the
Mentoring Committee and the Conference Committee. Committee Chairpersons may be any Full
member and shall be determined by a majority vote of the committee members. All committees
shall have a minimum of quarterly meetings or telecons and shall submit quarterly reports to the
Vice-President. The accomplishments of each committee shall be subject to annual review by
the Board of Directors. Based upon the results of this review, the duties of the Committee Chair
may be reassigned to another TWO member in good standing by a majority vote of the Board of
Alumni Committee: Chairperson, Vera Fortman
Budget and Finance Committee: Chairperson, Luci Holemans
By-Laws Committee: Chairperson, Clarissa Holland
Coaching Committee: Vacant
Communication Committee: Chairperson, Sharon Boddie
Conference Committee: Chairperson, Vacant
Education and Career Development Committee: Vacant
Marketing Committee: Chairperson, Vera Fortman
Membership Committee: Vacant
Nominations and Elections Committee: Chairperson, Clarissa Holland
Recruitment Committee: Chairperson, Vacant
Duties of a Committee
Committee Chairperson General Responsibilities:
- Develop a minimum of one annual program goal and report on its accomplishment at the end of the year;
- Submit annual budget request and all vouchers, with receipts, to the Treasurer;
- Conduct a minimum of quarterly committee telcons;
- Provide quarterly and annual committee reports to the Vice President;
- Lead committee members in accomplishing tasks to achieve program goals;
- Participate on monthly Board of Directors National telcons.
Committees and Committee Responsibilities
Alumni Committee
Serves as a liaison for retired FAA members
- Responsible for providing information on TWO activities & related affairs;
- Promotes alumnae relations between members and leadership;
- Coordinates all event travel.
Budget and Finance Committee
Tracks income and monitors dues
- Conduct annual audits of TWO finances and during Treasurer transition;
- Assist the Treasurer in performance of duties as requested.
By-Laws Committee
Reviews and advises changes to the By-Laws
- Review changes recommended by the Board of Directors or by the membership to ensure there are no conflicts with the Constitution or Articles of Incorporation;
- Prepare mailings to eligible members for voting on By-Law changes and work with the Nominations & Elections Committee to distribute mailings if necessary;
- Review the By-Laws annually and advise the Board of Directors if changes are needed;
- Ensure current procedures, policies and changes are appropriate to TWO;
- Serve as a resource to the Board of Directors for By-Laws questions, interpretations, and waivers.
Coaching Committee
Coordinates Regional TWO coaching program activities
- Provide coaching program information and obtain resources for program implementation;
- Coordinate coaching program partnerships;
- Forge management partnerships to support coaching programs;
Communication Committee
Responsible for all forms of TWO Communications and Publicity
- Ensure all media and promotional verbiage is consistent with TWO mission and values;
- Assist in preparation, editing, and publishing The Circuit newsletter;
- Work with the Communication Officer and the Webmaster to promote TWO through The Circuit, and the TWO website, TWO Facebook and other media;
- Request information from diverse sources and write articles for The Circuit;
- Promote TWO by submitting articles for publication;
- Write an article for The Circuit and The Intercom immediately following the annual training conference;
- Obtain and provide annual training conference photographs for publication in The Circuit or on the TWO website;
- By request, develop or review speeches to be presented by the TWO President at public appearances;
- Design, develop and distribute TWO publicity material;
- Coordinate and monitor activities of TWO members participating in special events (EAA AirVenture, WAI conference, etc.).
Conference Committee
The Conference Chairperson position changes yearly and is determined at the time the conference location is selected.
The Conference Chairperson is usually the Regional Representative who volunteers their Region’s location to host the conference
- Follow the TWO Conference SOP;
- Organize and promote the annual training conference;
- Select and contract for lodging and conference facilities;
- Select theme;
- Design and distribute promotional materials;
- Invite speakers and presenters;
- Identify, plan and arrange training classes and workshops;
- Obtain training approval (in coordination with AHD) and funding approval for training;
- Prepare correspondence to membership, speakers, presenters and sponsors;
- Publicize conference;
- Obtain gifts, awards, and recognitions for speakers, presenters, and sponsors;
- Solicit national sponsors; work within Regions for local sponsors;
- Plan and prepare expenditures; prepare a final Income and Expense Report;
- Send out thank you letters;
- Submit lessons learned and update the Conference SOP;
- For joint conferences, coordinate with other Employee Associations.
Education & Career Development Committee
Plans and implements outreach activities for the scholarships, and provides educational resources for members
- Prepare scholarship applications and information for distribution to the membership through the use of emails, The Circuit, and the TWO website;
- Develop scholarship rating criteria and update as needed;
- Select raters and rate scholarship packages;
- Prepare award certificates and present awards at the annual training conference;
- Provide information on scholarship winners to Communication Officer, Webmaster, and other media outputs;
- Provide information on career development programs and training opportunities to the membership.
Marketing Committee
Maintains an inventory of saleable organization-related goods to be used for fundraising at annual training conferences and in Regions as requested
- Order and maintain an inventory of saleable items and logo items;
- Coordinate fiscal requirements and expenditures with the Treasurer;
- Arrange for advertisement of items for sale in The Circuit and on the website;
- Set up and sell fundraising items at the annual training conference;
- Coordinate with the Conference Committee and Treasurer to raise money for matching funds.
Membership Committee
- Prepare and send dues reminder letters in May for members not on dues withholding;
- Work with Treasurer for dues update/status;
- Assist Regional Representatives with recruiting new members and retention of current members.
Nominations and Elections Committee
Arranges and conducts the nomination and election process for positions on the Board of Directors
- Oversee and advertise the election procedures;
- Solicit members for nomination to Board of Directors positions through emails, The Circuit,
and the TWO website; - Verify eligibility of candidates;
- Coordinate with the Board of Directors for issues that require voting by the membership;
- Prepare and distribute the ballot package to Full members in good standing;
- Work with committee members to tally votes and publicize results;
- Send Operational Responsibilities to new Board of Directors members, Committee Chairs, and Special Activity Coordinators after their election and confirmation.
Recruitment Committee
Educates members regarding recruitment rules and resources, and participates in events that will build a foundation for the recruitment of women into the technical workforce of the FAA
- Educate Board of Directors members and other members, as appropriate, on how to recognize or create opportunities for increasing the percentage of technical women in the workforce;
- Form a partnership with HR offices in FAA technical organizations;
- Facilitate liaisons with FAA management at locations where recruitment activity takes place;
- Provide materials (pamphlets, posters, banners, etc.) to the Regional Representatives for job fairs;
- Provide a schedule of recruitment events to the Webmaster for posting on the website;
- Maintain a database of individuals interested in working in a technical field and inform them
about hiring opportunities as they arise; - Facilitate participation in recruitment opportunities such as Sun ‘n Fun, Oshkosh Air Show, college job fairs, etc.
Special Activity Coordinators
All Special Activity Coordinators must be Full members in good standing.
Corporate Relations Coordinator
This Coordinator seeks and builds relations between TWO and national corporate sponsors.
Local corporate sponsors are the responsibility of the Conference Coordinators.
- Locate national corporate sponsors, establish and nurture the relationship;
- Invite national corporate sponsors to the annual training conference, ensure that their
publicity is included in the conference booklet, and provide recognition for the sponsor(s); - Work with the Conference Committee to seek relationships with local sponsors and transition them into national sponsors.
This Coordinator maintains the history of TWO and is the official contact for questions on TWO history
- Update written history and pictures of the Technical Women’s Organization;
- Publish the current TWO history booklet as requested by the Board of Directors;
- Set up the history display at conferences, meetings, etc.
- Attend semi-annual and annual Board of Directors meetings;
- Work with the President to set the meeting agenda;
- Assist in setting priorities to ensure that the goals of the meeting are met;
- Provide team building activities as appropriate;
- Lead the Board of Directors self-assessment on organizational effectiveness.
- Add new features or content as requested or as independently determined;
- Work with the Communication Officer, Publicity Committee, and others as appropriate to
keep information correct and current.